
Supremus Sounds & SHS High School Reunion 12/09

The Swiss Homies were in town again!!!! and you already know we kept them busy. That's me and DJ Madkid repping NY Yankees fitteds, a no brainer. Shouts to DJ Steve Supreme, DJ GETLIVE, DJ FLO, DJ Madkid, Tri & all my other Supremus Sounds boys.…

The Swiss Homies were in town again!!!! and you already know we kept them busy. That's me and DJ Madkid repping NY Yankees fitteds, a no brainer. Shouts to DJ Steve Supreme, DJ GETLIVE, DJ FLO, DJ Madkid, Tri & all my other Supremus Sounds boys.. we'll be back to Zurich real soon.

In a short week the Supremus Sounds crew had events a Katra Night Club, A List Radio, Adidas Originals Store, Diesel Store, Supremus Sounds Radio Show, Taj Night Club.. and the list goes on. Needless to say we were hustlin. We even made it up to Boston for a day.


Next up we had the highly anticipated Stamford High School 5-year reunion at Hula Hanks Stamford CT. Highschool FLO Reunited... and killed it. Myself and FLO threw down music that was bringin people way back to those good old high school days... you…

Next up we had the highly anticipated Stamford High School 5-year reunion at Hula Hanks Stamford CT. Highschool FLO Reunited... and killed it. Myself and FLO threw down music that was bringin people way back to those good old high school days... you know like some Mase, Diddy, LOX, etc etc etc. The night was great! 

Above is the originial FLO Crew.. FLO, Quach, Myself & Mike.

That's all for now.. be back after New Years with more updates... Happy Holidays!!

Hive Club [Zurich Switzerland] (Feat. JONESY + FLO ) - July 2009


Flo und Jonesy sind dicke Freunde seit sie 13 sind. Nach Abschluss des Colleges entscheiden sie sich, dass Musik ihr Leben bestimmen soll. Sie beginnen damit, die Clubs ihrer Heimatstadt New York mit ihren frischen Gigs zu bedienen und kommen schnell an Bookings aus anderen US-Städten wie Philadelphia, Boston und richten gar eine monatliche Sause namens „Higher“ im mondänen Skiort Aspen aus. Nun ist die Reihe an Europa und somit auch am Hive: Neon, die bunteste aller Donnerstags-Farbensausen für Anhänger von Electro, Powerpop und Fidget House.

Flo and Jonesy are close friends since them 13 are. After end of the college they decide that music should determine their life. They began to serve the clubs of their hometown New York with their fresh gigs and come fast in Bookings from other US towns like Philadelphia, Boston and straighten even a monthly bash called "higher" in the fashionable ski place Aspen Colorado. Now the duo is in Europe and therefore also in the Hive: Neon, most colored all Thursday-color whizz for followers of Electro, power pop and Fidget House.