Just like Big & Puff... .me and FLO journey'd back to the west coast to hustle once again. First STOP... Coronado, San Diego to hollar at Jedi-Slump Master Slowhand to peep his Cali State of Mind. We hit the beach, turntables, and studio so hard!!!
Next up... we hit Venice Beach to spin a sunset set on the Hotel Erwin Rooftop at the "High" Lounge. The vibe was real nice.. we even got a couple GQ photo ops, so look out for us in the next issue.
"Spend about a week on Venice Beach..." They were lovin' us on Venice Beach so much so that we were asked to spin a swagged out bball set @ the Venice Ball League Tournament.
They laced us with fresh VBL tanktops... and OH YEAH!! Terrell Owens slid up in our DJ tent to gear up for his game. My man could ball too.
Anybody who knows me.. knows that my two loves are Music & Basketball... and this event was all that and then some.
Here's T.O. thundering one down.
Our last event was at Scratch Academy LA where once a month they turn the academy into a club... The party in known as "The Bridge" and they have ill turntablists come thru for a showcase. Big Shout to DJ Hapa who hook'd it up real thoro for us during our stay.
Here was the DJ Lineup @ The Bridge.
Mr. Choc & DJ Hapa, DJ Nu-Mark, DJs FLO & JONESY
Big Thanks to DJ Hapa, Christian, Wallsy, Blake, Deuce & whoever else i missed. On to the next one. pC!