Sunday, Dec. 8th brought me to Victoria's Secret of Milford CT for their holiday shopping event.
Sunday, Dec. 8th brought me to Victoria's Secret of Milford CT for their holiday shopping event.
H & M - Midtown NYC
59th & Lexington
Friday, Nov. 29th
Black Friday Shopping Event
TODAY!!!! I'll Be DJing the Holiday Shopping Event @ Guess Jeans 6-10 PM
Brought to you by Guess & Marciano + InStyle Magazine
Thursday Sept. 6 was the highly anticipated Fashion's Night Out in NYC. The evening brought me to the Flagship New York & Company Store (58th st & Lex.) to spin beats 6-10pm. Stacy London, the style maven, was in the building signing her new book & greeting fans. Thank you to SCRATCHEvents! Great turnout & Great time! #FNO #ScratchEvents #NYC
Apsley Tailors, out of London, offer the highest caliber of bespoke tailoring available with over 100 years of experience in the industry. Family owned & operated since their beginnings in 1889, Apsley assures the most beautiful custom clothing to their elite customers. They are also known for creating the world's most expensive suit, made out of Gold.
To officially launch their brand in America, mainly NY, Apsley Tailors held a private red carpet event to celebrate fashionable men in sports. The only way to celebrate fashionable men in sports is by importing the most fashionable man in the DJ game... yours truly. The event was hosted by Allan Houston at the Samsung Experience in Columbus Circle, and there is no doubt that that man is dumb Fresh. Not to mention, he's a legend and was easily the nicest guy in the entire room... FLO & Myself kicked it with him for a long while. On the real, Houston was my childhood hero... so chilling with him felt great. Apsley Tailors auctioned off a suit and all the proceeds went to the Allan Houston Foundation
Big Thanks to Danita @ PR Noir for setting this up.. Here are some pics... ENJOY!!
As We ... Proceeeed, to give you what you need. FLO & Myself still holding down the Diesel Store each & every friday from 1pm to 7pm. The clothes are fresh and so is the music, so get there.