ROMA, ITALY!! And the European quest continues for Passport Jones & Euro Flo. Big thanks to the US Marine Corp, Panu aka (ill toss you out the window), the big homie Bryce, the extremely nice Nigerian @ Termini who copped a FLO & Jonesy! Mixtape, and all the other people who made this all possible!
We threw it down @ the USMC's 234th birthday celebration... I think i saw the Ambassador of the Vatican doing the cabbage patch, no lie. Not to mention a highly decorated Lt. Col. doing the Tanto, the Uptown Shimmy, and the Downtown D-Lo Brown!! He did sh*t I've never seen before!!! dude had serious b-boy credentials.
@ The Vatican
@ The Collisseum
@ the hills of Cortona
We also visited the Pantheon, 16 Chapel, Castle of San Angelo and more!